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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Changes Coming


As you may know, I’ve been fighting Diabetes since February of 2010. Steadily, I’ve been losing that battle due to a variety of reasons. Mainly, my own lack of will and unlimited funds. Coming soon, I will be taking a more permanent solution towards resolving the issue.

The surgery is going to remove about 75% of my stomach. This is going to effectively force the issue on meal portions and nutrition. There are some added effects that will reduce the work on my pancreas and liver in regards to my Diabetes.

This is Week 0.

I will have to take nutritional supplements for the rest of my life. I will also have to become a more mindful eater and drinker. I will not be able to eat and drink at the same time. My portion sizes will be down to a size that’s frankly unbelievable.

There are going to be many challenges. I have to learn about new limitations. I have to be mindful of what’s going on in my body. Hopefully this will also lead me to a more mindful life.

Not much else to say. The path before me is not an easy one, but it is the one that seems to check off many items. Here’s to it and to you who have been there with me.